Thursday 2 July 2020

Not much gaming, but I have added to my collections.....

Here are some pictures of my Sudan collection.  Most of the figures are Connoisseur although many of the Dervishes are from Old Glory.  Enjoy.

Saturday 30 May 2020

C-19 continued.....

Well, we are still in a non-gaming situation and it is frustrating but necessary.  I have been painting when I can and have 4 companies of Sudanese Egyptian Army infantry on the painting table. Connoisseur, of course.  Very much looking forward to gaming in the near future.

Hoping that all of you are well and will soon be gaming again too.


Monday 23 March 2020


So strange to see my last post and realize how "normal" life was back then.  I hope that everyone is staying safe, NOT getting together for games, and using the time to paint and read.  Be safe my BFE friends.  I am working on a version of BFE for ACW and another for the Great War....long term projects, but fun to tweak when I'm not working on online course materials and communicating with my students.
Take care.

Saturday 18 January 2020

Ulundi, well, sort of....

We played the scenario in the Skirmish Campaigns Zulu War scenario book designed for TSaTF.  I amended the scenario somewhat to suit BFE II.  Well, I was likely too generous to the Zulus.  This was definitely not the swan song of the Zulu nation and was, instead, a very heavy and ultimately losing fight for the British.  Nevertheless, it was great fun (at least for the Zulus) and it was great to get  BFE game on the table after lots of ancients and Napoleonics.

Here are some pictures.  Included are a couple of shots of some new units being based.  To stretch my collection I have used a few rocks to fill the base.  I like the look, but not really sure why I felt the need to do this.  I have about 40 Zulu units and this is really more than I ever need.

Saturday 21 December 2019

Happy Holidays!

Hello friends,
I just want to wish everyone a happy holiday season and the best for 2020.  I have just finished painting another 100 Zulus and look forward to pushing them around this coming year.  I suppose January 22nd and 23rd loom!

All the best.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Foreign Legion Rif Game

We played an excellent game on Thursday using the rarely employed ladder assault rules against a fort.  Tough for the attackers, but the rules worked well.  In a big abstraction, the siege rules are even more abstract, but they seemed believable in their representation, I think.  The game did however highlight the need to refine the language in this section which I have done.  At some point I will release a new errata sheet with some of these refinements.  And down the road a third edition of the rules will be released although this will be campaign specific (Sudan or Zulu War etc.)

All the models and buildings came from the collection of Colin, the youngest member of our group pushing 50?  Aging bunch we are....

Friday 23 August 2019

BFE II is now available ready printed!

On Military Matters (US) contacted me to have the book printed for customers that wanted to avoid having to print the rules from a PDF.  So, now you have the choice - PDF from Hotz or a printed version from OMM.
