Monday 5 August 2024


 So, D-Day is done and dusted. It was a huge effort to get the games prepared but the effort was worth it. My friend Stephen brought over Gold Beach and I did Omaha and Juno. Without going into a long AAR I will just say that Juno went historically with the Canadians taking their objectives. Gold and Omaha were not true to the past. The British found themselves hung up on the beach defences suffering too many losses before pressing on to neutralize the positions inland. The US assault forces were badly mauled with only one draw (exit) being cleared. German artillery was particularly nasty on the Americans.

Here are a few pictures. Alas, not many pictures were taken due to the pressures of running the game. And sadly too much game detritus obscures the hard work lavished on the terrain and miniatures. But I hope that the impact of 42' of beach front is somewhat evident. Thanks for looking.


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