Once again a long delay in posting. I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season and wish you all the best for 2024. This is going to be an important year for me. I have two books prepared for released. CONTROL TO CATASTROPHE: ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL is a grid rule set that I hope to have done for June or July. The follow-up, CONTROL TO CATASTROPHE: RENAISSANCE will be done (hopefully) for December. I have been working on these books for the last 2 years and I am very happy about how the games play.
I have my BFE based ACW rules ready too. BATTLES BETWEEN THE STATES has been played for over 5 years and work extremely well. I aim to release that book for 2025. That rule set was a driver for several rule changes for BFE but colonials are getting a fresh treatment with campaign specific books starting with the Zulu War followed by Sudan and Afghanistan.
All of this is very exciting for me and I hope a few others will enjoy the games I develop.
So, again, happy 2024!